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Hasyashi-ha Shitoryukai currently operates classes in Sydney, the Central Coast, Newcastle and Brisbane. Please select a venue from the menu above for detailed information.


A number of our classes cater specifically for younger and less experienced members.  However, our classes typically contain a mix of ages and grades, which provides students the opportunity to train with and learn from our more experienced members.


Hayashi-ha Shitoryukai is fortunate to have several very experienced and well-qualified instructors, which teach under technical direction of Chief Instructor Shihan Beng Soon Koh 8th dan.


All instructors hold dan (blackbelt) grades registered with the All Japan Hayashi-ha Shitoryukai (international governing body) and the Australian Karate Federation, as well as being qualified instructors under the National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS) recognised by the Australian Sports Commission.


Hayashi-ha Shitoryu Karate Sydney Australia

© 2014 by Jackpine Pty Limited trading Hayashi-ha Shitoryukai Karate of Australia ABN 39 050 214 616

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